TESL Interview Exprience
Assalammualaikum guys and girls.
Woaa I was really influenced with Hanbyul's opening style. Yeah cos I put the 'girls' after the 'guys'. Well, he's catching my attention recently. Sorry I forgot to inform you all, this is me, Mikai.
In this post, I would love to share my experience attending the Foundation in TESL interview that was held yesterday [April 28, 2013] at UiTM Shah Alam Section 17 which is likely to be known as INTEC (International Education College).
Yesterday, I woke up exactly 6 am and took my shower right away. Then, after I did my prayer, around 7.15 am we drove off to INTEC. My parents, my twin(Minai) and younger brother accompanied me on that one of my important day in my life. I'm really grateful to possess them as my family. Thanks to Allah.
At 7.50 am we reached the venue. My heart was pounding really hard as I was so nervous to face the other candidates. But my nervousness was reduced as I realized my name was on the list. I was in Panel 5 No.16.
Before we, the candidates, were able to be interviewed, we have to sit for a written test at 8.30am. While waiting for the written test to be started, my family and I sat on a bench in front of the library where I need to sit for the written test. There was 2 section for the written test. Section A & Section B. Section A was the comprehension test alike the SPM's one but the paragraph was a bit longer. They used lots of bombastic words that I rarely heard or read off. However, I could smoothly understand all of the passages. Alhamdulillah, Allah let my mind free and helped me to think more deeply. Then, after read the long paragraph, there were 15 objective questions I need to answer. CAUTION: The questions were a bit tricky! And simple. For the section B, I need to write an essay with approximately 250 words about 'What was your most meaningful achievement and how it may help you for your future goal.' I was so grateful because I've asked my twitter's friend what is the topic for the essay as they attended the 1st day of the interview which was on Saturday. Again, Alhamduillah the question was the same and I've prepared the answer the day before. May Allah bless all of the twitterians who had told me this.
The written test ended approximately at 9.30 am. Then, every panel had to follow the staff to the interview room. Before we are able to enter the interview room when it has come our turn, we must arrange our certificates according to the order list pasted on the interview's room door. There, I met with other candidates that were along in Panel 5. At first, I was kinda shy and a bit awkward to approach them. But, as time passed, they make me comfortable being around them. We talked and talked and laughed. And the conversation continued till my turn to be interviewed.
One by one of the candidate enter the room after the interviewers in the room rang the bell. My turn was the fifth last and I was able to enter the interview room at 12.00pm. Oh yeah, it was raining before I entered the room! I was like, Alhamdulillah, because a day before yesterday I was really hoping it will rain before my turn to be interviewed. Alhamdulillah again because Allah heard my prayers.
There's two interviewers who interviewed me. I think both of them are the lecturer for this TESL program. Below are the conversation between the interviewers and me.
Me: Mikai
Int1: Interviewer 1
Int2: Interviewer 2
Me: Assalammualaikum and Good Afternoon. *I smile brightly while handling my file to them*
Int2: Good Afternoon. *smile back*
Int1: Have your seat.
Me: Thank you.
Int1: You may put your bag down.
Me: Okay.
Int1: Okay, now introduce us about yourself.
Me: First of all, my full name is ......Syafeqah bt ..........*sorry I can't write my full name here* and I was born on 11 November 1995. I studied at SMK BUD2. My family consist of 8 members. And I have a twin! *My spirit increased drastically as I said I have a twin ^^ *
Int2: Oh you have a twin? So, is she here today?
Me: Yeah, she accompany me today.
Int2: She didn't apply TESL?
Me: No, she's not.
Int2: Then, what course did she applied?
Me: She applied for Foundation in Engineering.
Int2: Oh, does her result was better than you?
Me: Hurmm...that's for sure. *sobs*
Int2: That's okay.
Me: *Can't stop smiling brightly*
Int1: Okay, tell us more about yourself.
Me: I've attended
Japanese and Korean languages course before at ICLS Damansara. I studied
Japanese till Intermediate 2 level while till Beginner 2 level for Korean. My
life vision is ‘In order for things to change, we must see them as we want them
to be; not just as they are’.
Int1: So, your school is a special school that offer language programme?
Me: No, I took the languages course outside the school.
Int1: On your own?
Me: Yes, on my own.
Int2: That's really great. Can you speak Japanese and Korean a little bit for us?
Me: Yeah, sure! *My spirit again increased up* こんにちわ、私はシャフェカです。でも、 家族と仲間はミカイと呼んでいます。日本語と韓国語を話す事出来ます。このプログラムは本当にを入力したいんですから、応援宜しくおねがいします。 *It means: Hello, my name is Syafeqah. But, my family and friends call me Mikai. I am able to speak in Japanese and Korean language. And I really want to enter this program. So, please support me.*
Int2: How about Korean?
Me: 안녕하세요. 저는 샤피카 입니다. 내 생일 11 월 11 일입니다. 저는 일본과 한국의 언어로 말할 수 있습니다.감사합니다. * It means: Hello, my name is Syafeqah. My birth date is on November 11. I am able to speak in Japanese and Korean languages. Thank you.*
Int1: Wow, that's great. Please ask me 'Ogenki desuka?'. *She was really excited asking me to ask her a question in Japanese*
Me: Ogenkidesuka?
Int1: Genki desu. Hahaha Thank you for asking me.
Me: *I just smile*
Int1: Well, at least now we acknowledge you as someone who can speak multilingual. That's really give you more advantage.
Me: Thank you.
Int1: Unfortunately, today we are not interviewing you in Japanese or Korean. We have to conduct this interview in English.
Me: Hahaha..I know that.
Int2: Can you tell us TESL is your first choice?
Me: Yes, TESL is my first choice.
Int2: *nodded*
Int1: Are there any other programs you applied?
Me: Yes, there are. Other than TESL, I applied for Foundation in English at UIA(Universiti Islam Antarabangsa = International Islamic University Malaysia).
Int1: Why do you choose TESL?
Me: I choose TESL
because I want to reinforce my leadership, communication, organisational and
presentation skills in English. Besides, I do have
interest in teaching other people regardless of adult or even children.
Int2: That's really good!
Int1: Okay, how do you try to improve your English?
Me: I like listening to English radio fm. I think I improve my English by listening.
Int1: What will you rank your English proficiency from 1 to 10?
Me: I have to say 5 or 6.
Int1: Really?? Why you ranked your English proficiency 5 or 6? You think your English isn't really good??
Me: I'm weak at grammar and vocabulary. I need more guidance and improvisation on my ability in English. That is why I choose TESL in order to gain more knowledge of teaching English. I believe with this word ‘When there’s a will, there’s a way’.
Int1&Int2: *Both just smiling*
Int1: Okay, that's all for today. Thank you for spending your time for us.
Int1: Arigatou gozaimasu! Hehe
Me: Douitashimashite.
Int2: You got everything
Me: *Stood up and take my files back from the Int2* Thank you so much!
That were my conversations with the fellow interviewers. It took me 20 minutes for the interview. But, I don't really get what was the meaning of the Interviewer 2 that 'I got everything'. Was that a good sign for me?? If it really is, Alhamdulillah. I really hope they were impressed about my performance during the interview.
I stepped out from the interview room with a big and bright smile. The friends I met there, asked me what was the question, were the interviewers kind and more. All I can say is the interviewers were really supportive and kind. May Allah bless them too. I really really hope I will be chosen for this TESL program. Pray for my successes guys and girls!!
For the upcoming candidates who will be chosen for the TESL interview, let me give you some tips.
1- Arrange your certificates according to the list they listed on the interview offer letter.
2- Photostat all of your certificates and placed the photocopy certificates in an envelope separate from your real certificates.
3- Make sure get your photocopy certificates has been certified by your Village Chief, Head of Residential Area, School Principal OR the Minister of Education in order to not bring any complication during your interview.
4- Prepare your own Q&A's that you think might been asked by the interviewers such as:
~Tell me about yourself / family background?
~Explain what is TESL?
~Why do you choose TESL?
~What is your hobby?
~What would you like to do when you are free?
~What co-curricular activities you take part in your previous school?
~Do you know Malaysian people are hard to change? Explain?
~What do you understand about leadership?
~Why do you want to be an English teacher?
~Do you like teaching?
~Do you like reading?
~What changes you want to make when you become a teacher?
~What is the biggest obstacle you have might face and how do you overcome them to ensure students are receiving a quality education?
~What conditions must change in your country to better support education?
~What is your favorite book?
~What kind of book do you read?
~What is the latest book that you've read?
~What educational “trend” do you think is helping students? Is
there a trend that is getting in the way of learning?
~What is the latest current issue you know?
~What is the latest education news you have read?
I think the questions listed above are more than enough if you wanna practice to answer before the interview day. Remember, if you ever wanna says something like 'I've studied Japanese/Korean/French/Germany' or 'I've take part in Coral Speaking contest in school' please provide proofs which is the certificates to strengthen your words that you said later.
All the best for those who read this post and will be having their interview in the next following years.
Thank you for spending your time.
Labels: interview, life, mikai
Monday, April 29, 2013 @ 11:45 PM /
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Disappointment lead to Happiness
It's me Minai here writing the dilemma I'm facing rite now. The dreams I possessed somehow had grows further away from me. One by one, my hopes had broken into pieces. Yeah, I faced those disappointment but I accept it with an open heart as I believe everything happened for reasons. If Allah wills it, then it will be. If He's not, then it wouldn't be tho how hard I insists of grabbing and work for it. I had planned my future perfectly, precisely, accurately yet it had been distinguish slowly, deeply. Maybe for Allah, it wasn't the best for me. It would be a super lie if I said I didn't even felt the frustration bout it but there's nothing I can do to change what had been written for me. As the image above, disappointments are just God's way of saying "I've got something better". Maybe what I've planned weren't the best for me or precisely aren't the best for my religion. I believe somethings better are waiting for me ahead tho I don't know what it is or what it will be.
I believe it’s not that everything will be easy or exactly as I had expected, but I must just choose to be grateful for all that I have, and happy that I still got a chance to live this life, no matter how it turns out. Starting from that point of failures, I promise to myself that I won’t let yesterday’s troubles bring me down or allow me to question my ability. I won’t let that life’s little obstacles keep me from trying or become the reason for defeat. I won’t let my fears keep me from dreaming or from chasing my dreams. I won’t give up for any reason because I believe in myself, and in myself, I’ll find the strength.
I won't dwell on the past. My history can't be erased, but my future has yet to be written. I will make the most of what's going to happen instead of worrying about what I can't change. I won't waste my time being sad, because I am wasting away moments in which I could be happy. It's taken me awhile, but I'm learning that letting go of the past is a good thing. It doesn't mean forgetting, it just means moving on. And I can't enjoy the present when I'm still stuck in the past. I won't cry for what might had been, won't live in the past anymore. It was supposed to be forever? Well, forever doesn't always lasts. I will lift my head up and dry my tears and forget about yesterday. I had the time of my life, but I must move on and let it faded away.
I will never ever lose my hopes and dreams. I refuse to. No matter the odds, no matter what happens, it's still my choice, my decision, my power, to hold onto the faith in what I believe to be true. That's the one thing that can never be taken from me unless I allow it. Japan and Todai will always and forever be my aim and goal no matter how many obstacles I might face to reach it. Maybe for the time being, they are not meant for me for some reasons but they will forever be my dreams. I will keep trying, hold on and always, always believe in myself because if it's not me, who will? I realize that Allah allows me to experience the low point of life in order to teach me lessons that I could learn in no other way.
I would love to make acquaintanceship but somehow it is something I hate the most especially the short one. I admit, somehow I gave them hope that I will meet them but I never thought that things will went this way farther than I had expected. I'm afraid that they couldn't accept it and have the wrong assumption of me. It's not my intention to play around or just had the fun being an acquaintance of them. If possible, I want the relationship getting deeper and more meaningful but I had no choice other than accepting what Allah had planned for me. Honestly, I am so depressed to hide the truth and at the same time afraid of disappointing them. All I can do is just pray that they will accept it with open hearts and still can accept me to be their friends. I hope this relationship won't end the moment they know the truth. Ya Allah, soften their hearts to accept it.
And yes, Allah hears my prayers. They accept it with open hearts. Of course they felt the little disappointment but their hearts are so decent that not the disappointment they expressed but they gave me the words of encouragement. They told me not to give up on my dreams and said "As long as you keep forward, there is always a chance". "Somethings better are waiting for you ahead". There're more. Only Allah knows how much those words really encourage me deeply, I really really appreciate that. How devastated I was not to be called as their 'kouhai' yet they still consider me as one of their 'kouhai'. Although AAJ will only left me as a memories, the 'senpai' who I never met there, I'll remember you forever. May Allah enrich them with successful life and plenty of happiness ahead in this world and next. I could not repay them for what that they had given me but I promise that I won't give up on Japan and will meet them one fine day in Japan. Ameen. In Shaa Allah.
"Have faith and never give up"
Labels: life, minai
@ 9:14 PM /
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Upcoming interview
Assalammualaikum and Hello guys and girls.
This post gonna be written by me, Mikai.
It's been a long time since last month for me and Minai didn't write any post on this blog of ours. However, starting from today we'll try to write more posts. So, this time I would like to inform you guys, the reader that I've been called yesterday
to go for an interview this 28th April at UiTM Shah Alam Seksyen 17. It is for TESL interview!! One of my dream has come true which is to be chosen for the TESL interview.
For your information, TESL is Teaching English as Second Language. Alhamdulillah was the only word came out from my mouth. I was so grateful that my name is shortlisted for the interview. This is all the sustenance from The Almighty Allah. Again, Alhamdulillah.
I choose TESL because I want to reinforce my leadership, communication, organisational and presentation skills. Hence, English is the
worldwide spoken language. I think English is an exciting language as I've been
exposed to this language since I was a child. Furthermore, I want to improve my speaking skill as I've been dreaming of having an Australian accent instead of American's or the British accents. Weird isn't it?
Okay back to the topic. From what I've read from some bloggers about this interview, there'll be a written test which is 15 questions of comprehension and an essay (about 250 words) alike the SPM English questions but a little bit hard, I guess. Hopefully it will not be that hard as said by the past years candidates. However, its been a while since the last time I wrote essays. But let's let just hope my ability for writing essays still functioning. In Shaa Allah. Then after the written test, the candidates will be queued for an individual interview. There'll be 2 or 3 interviewers who will interview all of the candidates. Some had said the interviewers are the lecturer who gonna teach us later at the university.
Honestly, I'm not really nervous or even scared to be interviewed but I'm kinda worry of the written test. I'm afraid my mind gonna be blank. No, I'm not gonna be blank. I'll try to be prepared before this Sunday comes. I believe with all of the experiences being interviewed for thrice before can help me this time. In Shaa Allah.
I've started practicing on how to answer questions that might be questioned this Sunday. Wish me all the best for the interview! I'll do my very best!
Remember, that Allah will always be with those who remember Him
Labels: interview, life, mikai, university
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 @ 11:07 PM /
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