Happy 23rd Birthday, Yabu Kota!
Hello guys!
The time has chase after us once more where we need to accept the fact that one of our meaningful encounter in our lives has grown up and reach the age of 23 years old today. He is the big brother of JUMP, Yabu Kota!
Dear Yabu-kun, make the most of your special day and let those around you show how much they cherish and love you. And the way we see it, you should live everyday like it's your birthday. You deserve it!
Last but not least, we wanna wish a very happy 23rd birthday to Yabu. May he stay healthy and keep on chasing his dreams.
This post may be short but at least, we remember his precious day.
We hope he will never forget how wonderful he is
Labels: Happy Birthday, Hey Say JUMP, wish, Yabu Kota
Thursday, January 31, 2013 @ 7:37 PM /
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Keep the faith...
We are glad we are given another chance to inhale oxygen provided by Allah for us. Alhamdulillah.
That's mean there's still purposes for us to be alive. Yes, there are lots of mission that we need to accomplish.
For this moment, even before we reach our dreams yet, lots of conjecture happens to us that we are hardly to express into this lovely blog of ours due to some privacy. However, in order to get something to be done, thousands of test will be given to us by Allah. Whatever tests thrown to us, we wanna accept it with an open heart without any complaint or even grumbling because we believe everything happens for reasons that will teach us lessons to be able to go through the obstacles that we might face in the upcoming days.
Ya Allah, we are only the normal human which possess lots of weakness. And we know, not everything we wished and hoped for will come true. Thus, please give us strength to let go and entrust everything to You. We understand You won't allow us to be in pain for the sake of hurting but for the sake of learning. You know us more than we know ourselves that even we feel alone and unloved, there is still someone who knows all our flaws yet loves us unconditionally like no other human can.
'Try to see the shining light behind those obstacles'
Labels: life, mikai, minai
Monday, January 7, 2013 @ 10:59 PM /
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Welcome to our Beginning Year!
We hope you, the one who read this post now, are in a very good condition since we need to get ourselves prepared for the new adventure rider that we necessarily have to face which are the new obstacle along with the new pattern of happiness to be attained in since we just reach the starting point of the year of 2013. You may check your computer date now if you still can't believe what we just said on the first words. Yeah, 2012 just left us behind with infinite excellent memories while 2013 just approaches us with a thousand hopes and wishes to be fulfilled.
Are you feeling woeful or delighted? Or both at the same time?
For us, we feel both of the emotions. We somehow can't let go the year of 2012 ever since it had brought a millions of treasure for us to be cherished in our next voyage for tomorrow's days. Just like what we had mentioned on our 2012 new year post earlier, we named our 2012 year as our 'Excellent Year' because we believe 2012 will brings lots of flamboyant remembrances into our lives. As we are in the last minute of 2012, we can gratefully say that most all of our wishes and hopes we listed on the same date last year had came true. All we can say is only one word which is Alhamdullilah.
We assure that what we have gained throughout this year has it's own wisdom to teach us. It was an excellent year being the students who did their Fantastic Best in the final examination (SPM) without any doubt that their dreams will come true with that enthusiasms. An excellent year to get the bond closer with our extended family. It seemed that 2012 is the year we met frequently compared to the past years. There were plenty of events we celebrate and spent together with the feeling of gratitude. We are so grateful to have them as our family who always encourage us to be successful persons.
There were our days filled with tummy aches and heartache and headache, there were days where things didn't go as we planned. Fortunately, we did go through that miserable days with faith by our sides. We just kept our chins up and our eyes focused on where we are going. We encourage each other and we wouldn't let other people bring us down. With one deep breath at a time, we moved through that day into another day with the courage given by the people around us. Sometimes, the insides of our heads were so light that words were like feathers but those are just temporary and we did overcome it with the bursting out jackpot.
This is a story about dwarfs and giants but it's gonna end just like David and Goliath. If we keep on our pace, we don't lag will E.Coyote cuz we're the road runner fast! And it goes, 1,2,3, action, this ain't a movie. We will coming out 100% raw, the true, the real us. Victim of conformity, pressed down on all fours, we will stand up fight back cos the world is ours to rules! We are ready for the incredible action, amazing action! Oh, there's no need to care about others because we're shining just the way we are. And we're ready for the incredible show for this 2013. It took us a lifetime preparations for this year to come cos this 2013 is our showtime! We'll show who we are so the world can be amazed!
Once again, we'll write our wishlist for our Beginning Year just like what we had did on our past years.
-Getting closer with Allah and our prophet Muhammad
-Do Umrah with our family as well as with our extended family(In Shaa Allah)
-Build more strong bond with our family and extended family
-Get straight A+ for our SPM
- Get any sponsorship or scholarship to further our studies to Japan.
- Minai get into AAJ
-Mikai get into KTJ
-Go for another trips with our beloved cousins
-Our families proud of our successful achievement
-JUMP year
Sadness turns into kindness when separation years for an encounter. Every time we experience these feelings, we wonder if it means we are becoming adults. What we believe, where it will take us to? Only we should know, we're facing towards the future. Life, we'll live even though we're struggling with these hearts known as 'us'. And the life, the cries of yesterday, the stillness of yesterday, they are all connected to tomorrow. If we open the door that is in front of us, a new beginning will begins. The painful times of our life, we know that they were important cos sadness and happiness really do go hand-in-hand, don't they? What we choose, where will it ferry us through? We're the one who will drive it in our own way.
InsyaAllah with Allah will, we will definitely get what we want as long as we do not forget about Him.
Labels: 2013, life, mikai, minai, wish
Tuesday, January 1, 2013 @ 10:19 PM /
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